Elevator MB Conveyors EVElevator MB Conveyors EVElevator MB Conveyors EV
Elevator MB Conveyors EV
Elevator MB Conveyors EV
Elevator MB Conveyors EV

Elevator MB Conveyors EV

Elevators are combined conveyors which are used for transportation of the final products at an angle that is not possible to reach with the standard conveyors. Those conveyors are with slats and loading hopper, which is possible to fill with the parts. The volume (capacity) of the loading hopper as well as dimensions of the conveyor can be selected from pre-configured options (i.e. complete tailor made solution is not possible in this case).
400 V / 50 Hz
Odporność cieplna
up to 90°C
Typ pasa
Ruch pasa
fixed speed
Objętośc zbiornika napełnijącego
80l, 185 l, 410l

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