Pipe Wall-thickness Measuring iNOEX WARP8Pipe Wall-thickness Measuring iNOEX WARP8
Pipe Wall-thickness Measuring iNOEX WARP8
Pipe Wall-thickness Measuring iNOEX WARP8

Pipe Wall-thickness Measuring iNOEX WARP8

The radar-based Inoex WARP 8 is an inline pipe measuring system for wall thickness and diameter measurement at 8 points or 4 axes. The measurement provides all important measurement data required for manual or automated process optimization and control. No coupling medium between sensors and the pipe is required to transmit and receive the radar waves that makes the application very simply and reliable.
Średnica rur
from 60 up to 630 mm
Monitorowane parametry
wall-thickness, ovality, eccentricity and pipe diameter
fast and operative quality control of pipes
Zakres grubości
from 5 up to 250 mm

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