System transportu tworzywa AZO®MultiAir

Transport w fazie gęstej AZO®MULTIAIR to system pracujący w zakresie nadciśnienia. Zakres ciśnienia transportowego wynosi od 1 do 4 barów nadciśnienia. Optymalne ustawienie ciśnienia transportowego zależy od produktu i jego wydajności. Ten system transportu jest szczególnie dedykowany do produktów ściernych, takich jak PVC Dryblend i granulaty wzmocnione włóknem szklanym, a także do transportu pneumatycznego artykułów spożywczych.

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In this optimized pressure vessel transport, the fluidization condition in the bulk material is maintained by blowing in secondary air. This means the coefficients of friction between the tube and product are drastically reduced. The air quantity is added through standardized proportional valves, and this addition is controlled by the central control system. Optimizations for specific products are possible at any time. Plant safety is assured by special non-return valves positioned between the transport line and injector valves. These measures mean that transport can take place with a high belt loading rates and low speeds, without blocking the transport line. System and product wear is very significantly reduced compared to dilute phase transport. Low compressed air consumption, low filter surface load and small tube cross sections means the TCO (total cost of ownership) is reduced.
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