T Conveyor MB ConveyorsT Conveyor MB ConveyorsT Conveyor MB Conveyors
T Conveyor MB Conveyors
T Conveyor MB Conveyors
T Conveyor MB Conveyors

T Conveyor MB Conveyors

The T conveyor is great solution for filling containers with the preforms, preposed where there is less risk of damage to the preforms when they drop into the container, as it is not equipped with descending hoppers. On request is possible to equipped T conveyor with the load cells, which controls weight of the individual parts or the whole package of products. OK parts are conveyed from the weighing conveyor to one side, NOK parts (with incorrect weight) are conveyed to the other side.
400 V / 50 Hz
Odporność cieplna
up to +90°C
Typ pasa

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